What is Force FC? – We are the newest Member of the NYCSL National Premier League (NPL) and based locally in Southern Orange County. We are the Premier level of the Monroe Woodbury United SC –a true non-profit soccer organization and tryouts are open to all interested players.
Why play for Force FC? We offer players the highest level training possible through high quality coaches/trainers. We play in highly competitive leagues and attend the premier tournaments in the country- Jefferson Cup, WAGGS, FC Delco.
Best of all - because Force FC is run administratively by volunteers – fees are affordable to our families in comparison to other pay to play businesses – in most cases, being 1/3rdto 1⁄2 of the cost. We are dedicated to ensuring players have a great atmosphere to grow and develop both as a soccer player and young person.
Register at here.
Questions? Can’t attend a tryout?Contact TRAVEL@MWSOCCER.COM
Please find all try out dates on the flyer below.
